Marblemount Dinner 60174 Hwy 20
Marblemount, Washington about an hour and a bit east of Interstate 5. It qualifies as a pub/ bar or tavern because it has a small bar where you can sit up and be waited on. This place is run by the Wife and her Husband.(I met them but can't remember their names) The food is very good and fresh. I love the blue cheese coleslaw! Along the right side as you enter are booths. Each booth has a window and a humming bird
feeder. They have identification guides for humming birds at the booths. When we were there in the summer the feeders were very busy with humming birds. My wife and I have eaten there several times, and we keep going back because the food is so good. You also get a good sized
glass of wine and the prices are very
reasonable! They are open Thursdays through Mondays, they shop for the fresh food on their days off. After Labour Day they open at 11:00 am. Well worth the stop for lunch on the way through!!
August 8, 2015 went by this place and all of the Hummingbird feeders have been removed. I don't know anything more about this place or how it is now. If some one can help me out that would be great.
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