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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fenway Park (Boston, Massachusetts)

Fenway Park, Boston Mass., USA the home of the Boston Red Sox. Ya I know it is not a bar, tavern or a pub, but it might as well be. This is one of the greatest, coolest most amazing places I have been in. I can't say much more! This place just oozes atmosphere!! The food is great. There is nothing like standing on Yawkey Way (which is closed to traffic before the game), and having a beer (or wine), a hot dog or better yet "Italian Sausage" and hanging out. When you enter the ball park, you are under the grandstands. The floor is uneven, it is old and grungy, but that is what makes it great. It is historic! Hey you are there to watch a baseball game not to be pampered in luxury suites. I have included it in my Pubs, Taverns and bars. Even if you don't like baseball, you have to go here!

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