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Monday, May 7, 2018

Pig N Whistle On 46th (New York, New York U.S.A.)

Pig N Whistle On 46th, 144 West 46th Street, New |Your, New Your, U.S.A. just step away from Time Square.  Like bars in this area it is long and narrow with a 2nd floor. On the main floor they have a 16 person long marble topped sit-up bar.  Along the wall they have 6 two person tables.  There are 8 TV's on the main floor part of the bar.  There are 8 different types of beer on tap.  They also have a good selection of wine available. Up stairs there is a 14 person marble top sit-up bar.there are 5 tables for 2 and 3 pub high tables.  There is a small patio area out front over looking the street.  Service was vary good and friendly. We sat upstairs in a angle sort of booth and it afforded us a great view of the bar.  In the back there are more tables and they an be put together to sit larger groups.  Nice place, really enjoyed it.

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