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Monday, December 19, 2016

Kauai Island Brewing Company (Port Allen, Hawaii, U.S.A.)

Kauai Island Brewing Company, 4350 Waialo Road, Port Allen, Kauai, Hawaii, U.S.A.  "This is the most western most brewery"  They brew their beer on premise and the beer that they have are:  Westside Wheat, Leilani Light, Lilikoi Ale, Wai'ale'ale Ale, NaPali Pale Ale, Captain Cook's IPA, The Fonz IPA, Cane Fire Red, South Pacific Brown. Pakala Porter.  You can also buy a T-shirt for most of the different beer they have.  They have a nice 12 person sit up bar.  Our bartender was very good, efficient and friendly.  Gave lots of great advice, while keeping everyone served.  There are 10 tables of 4.  Up stairs there is a small area that has a table for 10 to 15 people or so.  here are also some pinball machines up there. They serve food, but I never tried any thing.  Wine and hard liquor is also available. They boast 7 different kinds of Crown Royal! Great selection of souvenir items for sale.  They have flat screen TV's for watching sports.  I enjoyed my visit here!

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