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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pijalnia Wodki I Piwa (Warsaw, Poland)

Pijalnia Wodki I Piwa, ul, Nowy Swait 19, Warsaw Poland.  This little bar is in Old Town Warsaw, and is located in the heart of the shopping district.  They have two sit up bars, the front one seats about 10 people, and the back one seats about 10 people.  The prices here are amazing, you can get a glass of wine or beer or Vodka Coke for $ Zloty or around $1.33 Canadian/ USA dollars!!  The food is around 8 Zloty or about $2.50 Canadian / USA dollars.  There is a side walk patio that seats about 15 or so people.  The service was very good and the bartender was very professional.  The walls were adorn with old Polish news papers.  There were 2 types of beer on tap. If you get stuck going with your wife shopping, this place is right in the heart of the shopping area....let her shop while you relax! 

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