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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

On The Rocks Pub and Grill (Kamloops)

On The Rocks Pub and Grill, 1265 Rogers Way, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada   Ph# 250-374-9761.  Located just off Hwy #1 in the Hotel area of Kamloops.  It is situated as the name says, up on the rocks with a beautiful view of the valley and city.  They have 26 different types of beer on tap.  For the gambler in you, they have Keno, pull tabs and video poker.  I did not come out a winner on either the Keno or pull tabs, but I hung in there for a while.  The sit up bar holds 8 with various Hockey jerseys hanging around it.  Sports memorabilia through out and lots of money donated to charity causes. There are 14 flat screen TV's through out with one very large TV for watching sports!? There is also a large projection screen that can be lowered for that big game.  This place has a very nice wrap around outdoor patio that has a great view of the valley.  If it is pool that you are in to there is one pool table.  They also happen to have a very attractive hiring practice.  It just happens to be right across the highway from the Aberdeen Mall, how handy is that!?  The food was pretty good and quite a few people came in for their dinners (supper depending on where you come from).  Beautiful setting, well laid out, good parking, good service all you can ask for.  Plus it is very easy to find!!